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2. I understand and agree that this membership is good for one person only. (I understand that sharing my login can result in termination of my membership)

3. I understand that I will be added to Science of Reading 101 Membership mailing list & may receive course updates via email.

4. I understand this is a recurring payment.

5. I understand if I miss 2+ months of membership payments, my membership will be cancelled and I will have to sign up again if I wish to continue the membership.

6. I understand if I am not paying with a paypal account & request cancellation of my membership, I must give at least 48 hours notice. I understand I will not be refunded for any payments processed without proper notification time.

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Science of Reading 101 - Monthly Membership

This membership is designed to provide you with ongoing information, support, training, and resources to guide you on your Science of Reading journey!

  • Get access to thousands of pages of resources aligned with the science of reading.

  • Access new PD sessions each month!

  • Get exclusive content & more!

Please carefully read the terms and conditions before purchasing!

Please note: If you are only looking for resources, this membership may not be for you. You can access all of my Science of Reading materials here!
This rate is good for ONE person only. Sharing this membership is not allowed and can result in termination of your membership. If you wish to have multiple teachers access this membership, each teacher must register separately. If you have more than 20 teachers interested, please email [email protected] for PO inquiries. Thank you! 

What People Are Saying:

LLearning from Heidi has hugely impacted my reading instruction! As a third-year teacher, I was lacking confidence and knowledge in how to teach my students how to read. After taking her professional development over the summer, I jumped right in by purchasing her word mapping and decidable bundles. I have seen tons of growth for my students and myself. I know I am doing research-based instruction. I am thankful that Heidi has taken the time and energy to create research-based resources and trainings!


HHeidi has been such a valuable resource as I've learned about the Science of Reading! As a reading interventionist, I have changed the way I approach instruction because of things I've learned from her about phonemic awareness and mapping sight words. This has allowed students to make amazing growth! Whenever I'm in need of a new resource I always check out what she has first because I know it will be high-quality and easy to implement. I'm so grateful to her for sharing her knowledge and creating materials to use with students!

Elizabeth H.

AAs a previous public school teacher turned homeschool mom I began our kindergarten year providing my child with a reading program using strategies that were engrained in my mind. Guess what? It wasn’t working! My child is a child of reason and was not satisfied with memorizing and wanted to know the why behind it all. This took me down the road of researching, days turned to weeks! It’s as if the algorithm knew when I came across Heidi’s page. My mind was blown, finally, someone advocating the science behind reading, providing strategies to help build the foundation for our children. I thank her a million times over for sharing her knowledge, my now 1st grade daughter is a confident reader because she has the tools, reading is a joy not a task and I know this is possible because of resources Heidi shared that made me do a complete 180.

Jackie Flores

II took a course with Heidi and it was one of the most valuable courses I have taken while on my Science of Reading journey. We met monthly to talk about new knowledge gained as well as allowed the members to lead our meetings by checking in with us and talking about issues we were facing at our schools/districts. She provided feedback, knowledge, and support. It was exactly what I needed as I was learning about SOR and professionally was in a new position in my district. She has continued to support me even after the course has ended. Heidi is the sweetest and most down-to-earth person. She is passionate about sharing knowledge and helping teachers help students. She is my favorite SOR person!
